May 5th, OMS Ladies Tea (and Gentlemens Beverage)
The OMS Ladies Tea is a Potluck Tea, so please bring either a savory dish or a sweet. Please note: we were heavy on the sweets last year). Please call to let us know what you intend to bring, so we can fill in any gaps. For the gentlemen, there is lunch at The Rose […]
April 21st, Sunday, Covered Bridge Tour
Covered Bridge Tour in April. Meet at Oregon City Shopping Center (Hwy 99 and I-205, close to the Well’s Fargo ATM) at 10:00 am. Time to get out the Minis and hit the roads. Good weather is coming and the flora is blooming. We will be driving delightful back roads to experience a fascinating assortment […]
March Members 2013
Kevin joins OMS from Portland. Chauncey Farnsworth (a 1973 Mini), was Kevin’s 1st Mini. Great fun!!! Packed a lot of terrific memories into the year they spent together. Gas was 20 cents a gallon and this was a car that would go forever…. Flash forward… Kevin’s new Mini is 1976 Austin Mini 1275, left hand […]
March 23rd, Tech Session
Hot and Cold Running Minis A tech session on making your heater hotter and your engine cooler. Jeremy Thorpe will be showing us how to improve the heat and demister output of stock Mini heater systems. Plus, he will show us a new, super, aftermarket heater that will really get our cars cookin’. On the […]
February 23rd, Ardie’s Shop
OMS member, Bill Beeler, has asked his friend Ardie Overby for a special showing of his incredible car collection. Ardie has been a car enthusiast all his life and has spent a life time collecting a fantastic assortment of automobiles and automobilia. You will NOT want to miss this car viewing opportunity! We will meet […]
February Members 2013
Emma joins OMS with her 2013 MINI. When Emma needed to replace the trusty old Subaru, she was looking for a car with ZIP, FUN and the extra cute factor . She found what she was looking for in Bonnie Alice Cooper. It took 6 long weeks to get behind the wheel of her baby […]
MMW2013 Registration is OPEN
Minis Conquer the Cascades is the theme to Mini Meet West 2013… The much anticipated Mini Meet West 2013 is now accepting your registration. To register you and your Mini/MINI, go to: Mini Meet West 2013 is hosted by the Oregon Mini Society and our venue is in Bend, Oregon located on the scenic […]
January 26th, 2013 Sidedraught City Detailing Event
Spiffin’ Up Your Mini… Neil d’Autremont of Sidedraught City will demonstrate detailing techniques and products to make your Mini sparkle… With lots of show and driving opportunities coming in 2013 –particularly MMW and the ABFM’s — you’ll want to know those secrets of Pebble Beach winners, or at least how to get bird doo-doo of […]
2013 New Members
Welcome new 2013 OMS members! – Curtis from Bend, OR – Dave and Cindy from Vancouver, WA – Paul and Kathryn from La Grande, OR – Emma from Depoe Bay, OR – Kevin from Portland, OR – Dan from Portland, OR – John from Salem, OR – Jim from Bend, OR – Arie – Jason […]
January Members 2013
OMS Welcomes new member Curtis from Bend, Oregon. Curtis is a sheet metal worker and loves ALL English cars – sounds like a match made in heaven! He has a 1973 Black Innocenti, one-off, wood dash, electric windows and gold thread in interior – WOW! Also, welcome back Dave and Cindy from Vancouver, WA. Their collection includes a […]