December Winery Tour
Join the Club Event this Saturday, a TOUR of three wineries, two of which were named in the recent Portland magazine Top 50 Wines issue. We’ll meet at NOON in the Bi-Mart parking lot on the Beaverton-Hillsdale Highway at SW Western Ave. (Plan on lunch before we meet; no tasting on empty tummies!) The route […]
October Members 2012
OMS would like to welcome our first October 2012 member – Lee from Hillsboro. Lee says his first car was a 1963 Triumph TR-4 that he and his dad rebuilt. And when he lived in England for a year and a half, he had a Clubman 1275 GT as his daily driver to and from work. Now Lee is looking […]
September Members 2012
The month of September has brought in some new OMS members. Nathan and Realy Ann from Boise, Idaho: Realy Ann shared with us that Nathan does all their engine work and they are looking for more minis to “tear around with”. They have a 1964 Morris Mini Minor Deluxe (pale green w/white roof, RHD, 998cc), a ‘76 Leyland […]
Don’t Miss the LeMay Museum this Sunday!
Sunday, Sept 16th: OMS Club Event: LeMay Museum plus, for those who are interested, Museum of Glass, ending the day with dinner destination in Lacey. WHERE: LeMay Museum WHEN: Sunday, Sept 16th MEETING TIME: Salmon Creek (north side of Vancouver, WA) at 9:00 am in the Safeway parking lot off 134th St. NOTE… Both I-5 […]
Meet the minis at the Newberg Drive-In
Saturday, Sept 15th: 20th Annual All Collector Cruise-In and showing of Grease is happening at the Newberg Drive-In. WHERE: Newberg drive-in WHEN: Saturday, Sept 15th MEETING TIME: Meet outside the gate at 6PM Parade together inside (there is NO spot saving). Movie starts at dusk. COST: $8/person BRING: Portable Radio or make friends with a […]
ABFM Results
PEOPLE’S CHOICE CLASS AWARDS: Early Saloon (external hinge) First Place: Jim and Cyndy B., Second Place: Roger F., Third Place: Don D. Mini Cooper, Cooper S (all) Second Place: Rhonda and Mark H., Third Place: Steve W. All LWB closed Minis First Place: Burt R. Variants and Kits Second Place: Ward B. Late Saloon and […]
2012 Award Winners
Forest Grove Concours d’Elegance. July 15th, 2012 Bruce and Kerri exhibited two winning cars at Forest Grove this year. Both their restored-to-original woody and their recently finished MGB took First in their respective classes. Nice work you two. Sandy Fly-In, July 29th, 2012 Bruce and Mary’s little “Herschel” took First for “Best Foreign”. The ‘Hula-dog’ is truly a crowd-pleaser. […]
Mini Meet West 2013
Mini Meet West 2013 – Minis Conquer the Cascades. Although the event is over, you can still access the Mini Meet West 2013 website here. Make your plans now for next year’s MMW 2013! WHEN: Tuesday June 18th, 2013 – Thursday June 20th, 2013 WHERE: Beautiful Bend, Oregon SCHEDULED EVENTS: – Car Show and Group […]
2012 ABFM-PDX Labor Day Weekend
Are you ready? The ABFM is this weekend!!! There is still time to register. Bring your lil’ beastie and join the fun! This is a big event for our OMS club! OMS is sponsoring the Arts and Craft Contest on Saturday from 10:00am – 4:00pm, the Giant Slalom on Saturday and Sunday 11:50am – […]